Monday, May 4, 2009

The Union Square (Dance) Experiments

We include in our pattern a man sitting on a railing.
We sunbathe upside down, but only upside down in relation to the scores of people who are in the same position right-side up.
We lean against a pole, and then another, and then another.
We stand still—not a particularly noteworthy activity—unless it’s raining.
We jostle to get by each other even though we’re in the most expansive part of the Square.
We glance side to side.
We sit next to people we don’t know.
We turn look back and forth, watching the watchers, taking them in, connecting to them gesturally, but also dancing.
We make circles around a certain center, each larger than the last until we gradually eat up all of the space of the square, including bodies one at a time.
We turn trashcans into islands, and jump between them.
We look down drains, we look at each other, we look at the rest of the people in the park.
When they look at us, we say hi, wave, or wink, destabilizing the distinction between performing and “just being” in the park.

We become them, we become us, we become we-and-them.

VISIT the Union Square (Dance) Experiments at this link.
Do you see yourself?

Come dance with us.